Was having a think the other day about tee
shirts and it just popped into my head , What the hell would I wear most the
time if Tee Shirts didn’t exist? Which then swiftly became when did we start
wearing them? How? And what did we do before?! Eres what I found out..
Tee shirt as a term was officially recorded
in 1920.. Altho the army had been wearing them since 1913 ish ..
When first released the Tee shirt was sold
solely as an undergarment.
By the 1930’s there were three main tee
shirt manufactures’
haynes ,……fruit of the loom,………. And
sears & robuck
Printed Tee shirts didn’t arrive until 1942
ish check the image of Life Mag from. Altho most sources seem to say the
first printed tee was for the Governor Thomas dewey’s campaign in New york 1948
… Printed ..Dew it with Dewey…. But that’s obviously bollox!
When Marlon Brando stared in .. “A street car
named desire” 1951 wearing a white tee
..see the image.. sales rocketed to 180 million in a year!!
From then on everyone wore Tee’s, Virtually
everybody. Even your Mum!!
Some other interesting facts I found out …
1960’s …. Started the political tee and probably
at the same time the artist tee
1969…. Tie dye Tee’s … …. They had a good run in
the 60’s they had to fuck summin
up !
1980’s…brought them stupid tees that change
colour when you sweat! Hyper colour…
1995 …. More than 1 billion tees were sold